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Thursday, March 1, 2012

What's your craziness?

What’s your craziness?

There are a lot of crazy people living among the sane. People who truly need psychiatric help and counseling are mainly my tiff. People, who need to take med’s, and needs be hospitalized or in a mental institution. Some of these clinically mentally ill people are not in our mental health system. They rome around the sane because they fell through the cracks. Now I have been called “crazy” when doing a dare and actually completing the bet. Some of us have been called “crazy” because we think outside the box. Some of us have been called crazy when our stories are of life are full of outlandish outcomes and actions because we live, take chances and well you can’t bring sanity to the grave. Sanity doesn’t guarantee financial stability. There is levels of craziness, the clinically mentally ill, or the ambitious beyond belief, the bold, the fearless, the doer, the outspoken, and the one who stands for change. Call me crazy, you small minded , weak feeble, no ambition having, no creativity having, no , nada, silch, zero balls having, no strong character having no crazy having person like YOU.  If you are calling someone crazy, look deep into your life, take a clear concise analysis of your life, a detailed inventory or the claims you’ve made, of the lives you help change through encouragement, thru advice, thru taking a chance in someone or something. Have you crossed the line for the common good of things, have you’ve been crazy in love, have you purchased a dress, bought a car when you really couldn’t afford it. Before pointing your finger, find out what level of craziness you are and how much of it will bring change and provoke action. Any comment appreciated. OMG, a crazy man is blogging, please someone call the police to baker act me!!!! OMG I’m Crazy!!!!

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