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Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Children hold the answers

           We are subjected to constant bombardment of the mass media and their advertisements, ideology and propaganda. We must put the lens back on the media and scrutinize every piece of data they shove down your mental piehole, its brainwashing our minds. We no longer teach our children values and life sustaining skills and ideology. There’s a  diminishing humanities in the curriculum of our lives.George 17 years old throws away 15 pizzas in the dumpster behind pizza hut. We eat as gluttons and throw away foods, in where there are people starving in the world, in your back yard, your mother that you admitted to a olds folks home like a used pair of shriveled up jeans. 

            The mere thought of food now sustains the weak and starved children, till help arrives. Eating thoughts to sustain wow!  and when it arrives its overtaken by thugs and militias fighting over the foods that fell from the skies from the huge mechanical birds, fighting for the control of the rice and flour along with drinking water to find out that they themselves must wait yet another month as they all fight and eat of the help, wrong shipment indeed soap, pure clean ivory soap but they eat it because they are subject to the human condition of intense, starvation.  A wrong drop location and wrong product makes a killing frenzy common as turning on bathroom lights. 

                         All subject to the human condition, but caring and empathy has withered with the clues that built pyramids. We have failed as parents, we heavenly depend on televisions to be our virtual babysitters with a supplement of video games and unlimited access to the net. The children are the future; they will hold the keys to saving our planet. They will understand Going Green as law. They will understand that life is more than a digital world. They will incorporate the high culture humanities such as ballets, theater opera, and symphonies as pre requisites to being civilian.We now leave that up to Television and DVD players

                   We are failing as parents, the answer to saving our planet and conforming humanity into one human race, equal, with equal right to a good quality of life. This now lays in the hands of our children.....only they can make a change...Like we were supposed to but rather seek war, rather seek fame, rather seek tangible enlightenment instead of thru happiness call life....not us, we are bound by greed.

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